Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012, what will you bring?!

(I wrote this on Jan 5th, but it didn't publish.  Maybe that should have been a sign?!  But since I haven't written in so long I thought I would post this one even though it is a little late!)

2011 was a fun year for our family.  Many things went as planned, and a few not so planned...but that is what makes up life, right?!

There as been a lot of "resolution" talk going on in my circle of friends.  We came up with five "working points" for our Sunday School class last week, and I have friends who are asking their friends to help make suggestions on what could/should change in the new year.  No  matter your reasoning and technique, the thought of a resolution is a far bigger deal than I think we give it credit.  It is an opportunity many of us take to see something in our life we want to improve, and make an effort to do so.  Are we always successful?  No.  However, I do think the realization that we COULD do better, is a step in the process.  I guess, like with most everything, the moment we stop trying to improve is the same moment we start to slowly give up.

With that said, I have a list of resolutions and I know I will reach some, and some may be there again in 2013...or I will realize that they shouldn't have been there in 2012!

I have a lot of expectations for 2012.  Our family will have new opportunities, and threats, presented that will be unique, and hopefully will lead us in a positive direction.  I don't think I put any expectations on 2011, but are different! 
*I expect a Kindergartner
*I do NOT expect any broken bones
*I expect to hear "she looks good" when Charli goes in for her annual check-up at Children's
*I expect to make "fun in the sun" memories, not only with my children, but with my husband and friends
*I expect to travel and make once in a lifetime memories with and for my kids
*I expect to be their for my friends in moments of joy and sadness
*I expect to have these friends there for me in my moments of joy and sadness
*I expect Harper to be sad when Charli is at school all day, and not with him as much
*I expect Harper to be excited when Charli is at school all day, and not with him as much
*I expect more positive than negative!

I would love for you to share some of your expectations!

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