Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"do I look older mom?"

We had a great weekend ...they go by faster and faster each week, what gives?!
Harper has really gotten into his little farmer role when we go to the shop!  His first stop is to get the food and head to climb the fence.  He can't make it over on his own, though he tries!

the little babies aren't eating "big kid food" but they still get excited when they see the buckets of food!  Harper dumps the food out and Charli supervises!

he misses these little fella's during the week!!  hugs and kisses to go around from their buddy Harper!

Charli enjoys them too, but not nearly as much as Harper right now.  She likes getting them to run around like crazy little jumping jellybeans!

ohhh, so cute!! 

this is becoming a tradition of ours, sunday picnics while doing chores at the shop! 

Charli had her first t-ball game last week...which she was so excited for!  As you can see she laid her clothes out the night before...down to the socks!  The outfit with green shorts is for Lynn's and the other is for the game!  The night ended up being a little cooler than we would have liked so she sported pants that night!  She kept her hands in her pockets about 60% of the time because she was so cold --> hoping for sunshine this Thursday so she can shine too!

showing off her "alligator" before the game!  She is #7, which she thinks is great because it is the "highest" number on the team!  She got to hit a "home run" which totally made her night..and her week this week yet! 

Sunday she was riding her 4-wheeler and somehow fell off, she went up a little "mountain" of gravel and I think it started to tip.  She jumped off (like she has been taught to do, so yay her!) and landed on her feet.  She was so excited for her "good save" she just couldn't wait to tell everyone she "wrecked"! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow ... I did not know you had moved! I now have a new home page, but I had a bit of emotions changing it :-)

    Need to get back that way to see your babies and to play ...??
