Doesn't seem possible, Charli is now FIVE years old!! Five is a big deal, lots of things happen when you are five! The most important to Charli is that she will get to start skipping nap at daycare! Before I get the "she still naps" riot-act...yes she does, and we love it ;-)
With 5 also brings more freedom and perks with life in general! She also gets to ride her bike on the street, when she is ready. wow, five is fun!! She is excited to be five, and I think it is fun because I remember when I was five!!
We had her party the weekend before her birthday because there was going to be a family campout the weekend after...which worked out great because I was in CA the week of her birthday and it would have not been fun to come home to prepare that!! Charli got everything she asked for except the red power-ranger samari dress-up costume. Shucks ;-)
this is Charli and her green lantern sleeping one night last week! He sleeps right next to her, and she will often cover him with her favorite blankets! This night she stole one of Harper's blankets though!
enjoying some fun in the sprinklers! We have had some hot-hot weather, so its been fun to find ways to cool down!
Harper could not wait to get in the tub one day last week!! He took his shorts off, but didn't seem to mind keeping his diaper and shirt on!!! I guess bath time is too much fun to wait for?!
Charli's cake!! It was delicious, I may add! The top left is "space" with Buzz and the Alien hanging with the stars and the bottom right is the country with Woody, Dino, and Slinky!! She loved it!
Charli got everything she asked for, so really everything made her excited, but in looking at pictures - nothing matched the excitement of her green lantern mask/ring!! She got a bird-book from my mom...which she has loved! She really enjoys finding birds outside, going to her book and discovering their names! She is spoiled rotten, and our cluttered house proves it!
for those moms of will never understand this child!!
the pure joy of a little birthday girl!!
Five is so fun because not only can she show her emotions, but she can put them into words appropriately and vividly!!
proud of her cake!
pinata time!! It was a soccer it only makes sense to kick the candy out of it!! This was just as much fun to watch as it was for them to do I think!!
I was in CA Monday - Thursday of this week for work. On my way home I had a three-hour layover in Denver for Chad's oldest sister and her kids came to keep me company (which ended up being just long enough to watch me eat lunch). It was fun to get to see the kids, and to "do lunch" like we could if they lived around here! Conner and I ran around a bit together, racing his mom and sister down the escalator, and Londyn just loved me for bring her a Minnie Mouse from Disney earlier in the week!!
Harper is such a great little brother...he gave Charli several birthday gifts in quantities of two - so they could play together!! (these new dry erase/color boards and batman shirts!!)
spiderman tossing a web!
a purchase I may grow to regret! Charli asked for the red power-ranger suit as well as buzz. She originally didn't get either. While in Disney I found this, and knew she would never forgive me should she knew how easy it would have been to get for her!! She didn't want to take it off! In fact, she wore this to daycare the next day ;-)
loving on her new bedding set - which is Paul Frank...she loves it!
SO-So-so excited to get a new baton. She had one a few months ago which broke (perhaps because it is from the Dollar Store, but what do I know!!) and asked for one for her birthday!! She has given this a lot of love, and it is probably the most "typical little girl thing" she has played with all week!
Charli is not a fan of cake, so for her birthday I got a birthday cookie...she loved it!
As you can see her buzz outfit and spiderman mask where involved too!! She informed us that she "only had one boyfriend" after blowing her candles out!
getting ready to blow her candle out at her daycare party!!