Charli wrapped up the 2014 soccer season with a few cooler games in October! This is how Harper & Daddy keep warm for those 8:00am games!
AYSO (city league) wrapped up this fall as well. Looking at these pictures has me missing those beautiful and sunny Saturdays!
Charli's club team had some "mom" shirts made, and Chad questioned why he didn't get one! So, I got him a "soccer dad" shirt for his birthday...and I am pretty sure he wore it to every game after that!
We have a mission to hit all the pumpkin patches in NE I think! There are some we will be certain to skip next year, but others will have us coming back again and again!
Mom & Dad built a new garage this fall and the kids loved to play in the process of what was left behind for the weekend!
Charli was building a sanctuary for this baby frog she rescued at grandpa's farm!
To add to Charli's busy fall she earned these two trophies at a taekwondo tournament! She likes to remind people that she competed against boys :-)
I was lucky enough to take Charli & my mom to their first Husker Volleyball game!
There are no barbies in this house...but you can almost always find corn, soybeans, and pvc pipe to play with!
We made a few trips to the Horn-T Zoo. It is always fun to see what new animals they have!
Charli was asked to make a painting for a fundraiser of a charity we like to support. She had a lot of fun using her imagination to create her own masterpiece. The canvas she was given to use had per-designed circles in the middle that needed to be used to create a "design".
A couple from Omaha bought this puppy for $700 I believe. It is nice to know we can use our talents to make a difference, when we aren't always able to use our checkbook. This is such a nice reminder to use what you have been given to make a difference!
The last soccer tournament of the year feel just before Halloween so the teams often dress up in costumes. Charli's team was the "Cancer Ninjas"! Their talented coach designed the shirts and they wore gold masks to finish the look off. It was a neat way to raise awareness and include her friends (and their families) in on the process! We were proud that they wanted to jump on board!
Harper generally finds things to keep himself busy during the long weekends. Sometimes it includes mischief, but this time it included becoming a superhero of his own!
Their cousin Andrew (and his soon-to-be bride) and Lydia came to cheer her on too!
Godzilla & her most favorite Royal player, Mike Moustakas!
And, a little out of order, but the kids were proud to support their grandpa, a Vietnam Green Barret veteran on Veteran's Day. While they don't understand all of his sacrifice, they know he is a hero!